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Muslim divorce issue

(Querist) 14 March 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Hi, I am doing revenue practice and I have got a query from my revenue client. the matter is his wife is living with her parents at kolkata and not ready to come where his husband is living and working (gujarat) for about 6 to 7 months. Even after many efforts she is not ready to come to gujarat. Now husband is willing to give divorece. So can on basis of reasons a muslim husband can file case for divorce decree or what are the reasons /basis a husband(muslim) can give divorce.
Advocate Kappil Cchandna (Expert) 14 March 2015

Muslim husband can give divorcee by triple pronouncement of talaq ..... I mean why he want to file a case for divorce .....

Kapil Chandna Adv 9899011450
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 15 March 2015
Muslim husband can give divorce easily as per their personal law.
MUKUND KUMAR (Querist) 18 March 2015
My learned advocate brothers is there any way to get courts order for divorce/sepration instead of Muslim traditional like talaq tripal pronauncoation or talak nama
Mohammed Mujeeb (Expert) 23 April 2015
It is pertinent that while the Personal Laws of Hindus have been codified, the Muslim laws have not been handled similarly, thus depriving the Muslim women of equality in marital issues.
There is no provision of dissolution of Muslim Marriages through Courts for husbands who can do so by triple talaq.
However, just for info, there is a THE DISSOLUTION OF MUSLIM MARRIAGES ACT, 1939, which empowers Muslim women to get their marriages dissolved under conditions mentioned therein.

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