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Mutation of the dda flat

(Querist) 26 December 2021 This query is : Resolved 
A DDA flat was in the name of my father and mother both there are three LRs including me.if mutation is done in the name of three LRs then can they sell the DDA flat or mutation be done in the name of one LR for selling the DDA flat. Kindly advise.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 26 December 2021
Sir, how can we give you a reply as you are a most senior expert. However, in my little view, the three brothers shall go for partition as your father died intestate.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 28 December 2021
Dear Mr. R K Nanda ji,
As the query was replied yesterday which you have acknowledged, please find reply to re-posted question viz;
"if mutation is done in the name of three LRs then can they sell the DDA flat or mutation be done in the name of one LR for selling the DDA flat"
the flat can be sold after sanction of mutation in the name of all 3 LRs in DDA records.

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