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My girlfriend Misusing 354; 506;504;284;394

(Querist) 20 December 2015 This query is : Resolved 
I hv afair wd my friend's sister.she twice attemted suicide n wrote note for me. She had heir line frackture in skull n behave deconstuctively.we both hv oath to marry but she lost control on her behaviour.her family give her some kind of 2013 i cought her wd other guy n then i deside to leave her but she goes beyond this. She hs firmly decide to marry me.meantime she collects all call record, private vedio records n she blackmail me for marriage. I hd no contact wd her n she first put complint in women helpline n gathered reporters for news. It spoil my career n i left my job n stop my tuition classes.then i left maharashtra n join kerala. But again 1day bfor my NET paper she put 417on me and threaten me n my family to pit 376 wd the vedio evident. I hv been complainting my p.hd thesis so i lost my all seses to hear this. I thougt all my education go west if she put casses on me n she asked reporters also. She want me to mmarry wd her.she behave madly. So she want afidavite n i blindly wrot it on 100 ru stamp.again i went to kerala to complite my study. But when i again came for SET paper in maharashtra she give her ATM to me n said some problem in machine n asked to take 3500 rupee n i alredy wrote stapm so i wd drow money and give her.again next day i had paper n last night she again force me to marry. But i said that i want time to settel myself. Again before 1 day of my exam she, her older sister n father went to police station n put 354;506;504;284;394 on me. When i finished my paper police called me n i inocently went to police station n they through me into cell for 4 days n all news paper falsely published news wd my photo n made my beloved as my student. 1day befor my bail she again went police station n put 279;337 on me as i attemtet to trash her wd my motercycle on my exam day.
Alrady my college left me from my job, i lost my careere. I gave my 8years in library for p.hd n other exam i just pass it but all going invain.
Pravin (Querist) 20 December 2015
What can i do. I got bail already:
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 20 December 2015
Engage a local lawyer and defend the cases against you on merit.
Rajkumar Tiwari (Expert) 20 December 2015
If all these are mere allegations on you than file a petition in the Hon'le High Court for Quashing of FIR u/s 482 of Crpc.
Adv. Yogen Kakade (Expert) 21 December 2015
We will have to see the evidences first as she has the records with her.. she might have strong evidences to go against you..
consult a local lawyer to defend you and to take action.

Adv. Yogen Kakade
Jurycon Incorporation
Advocates & Consultants
Call: 020-65248888

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