My grand parents property

Querist :
(Querist) 21 January 2010
This query is : Resolved
My Grandparents constructed house in Rajasthan in 1930's, but due t some reason he registered that property in the name of his second son and his brother. Name of second son was wrongly mentioned and his actual name was different than what is registered. after death of my grandfather and mother... and grand uncle... all 4 son of my grand father and only son of my grand uncle decided to share property equally and make a note in plain pare and signed that. Now second (in whose name property was registered) passed away... now his son is claiming full right on whole property... and put a lock ... my grand mother has make a will in my father's name (third son of my grand parents) and gave him her father's property as he is the only son who has taken care of her till death. Can my father demand equal reights in the existing property??? Please guide us about the legal rights...
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully Tushar

(Expert) 21 January 2010
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Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 21 January 2010
Your father has every right in the light of given facts. It shall be better if your father files a petition seeking probate of the will which was made by your grandfather in his name. A self acquired property can be willed out in favour of any person so your father is the only owner of the property.

Querist :
(Querist) 25 January 2010
Hello Thanks for your reply.
My Grand mother made a will and gave her's father property to my father. But in her will she has mentioned that my father was adopted by my great grand maternal father (Who was not alive at that time when will was made or any adoption orally took place) and also there is no adoption document exist. (only mentioned in my grand mother's will.
Now my uncle and my cousines of my late uncle claiming that my father has no righ on the property constructed by my grand father... as he has already adopted by our great grand maternal father...
All legal documents like school living certificate, passport etc...of my father is with my grand father's name and not with great grand maternal father.
Can we calim a right on my grand father's property???
Thanks in advance for your reply.

Querist :
(Querist) 25 January 2010
Also as I mentioned earlier... My grand fatehr register my late uncles name in the property when he registered.. but at that time my late uncle was just borned... now can we ask equal share as it was constructed by my grand father....
Can my late uncles son claim fll right on property as his fathers name was registered???