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My sister got married year 2011 inter caste marriage

(Querist) 03 April 2019 This query is : Resolved 
My name is shyam, resident of telangana in Nalgonda district,in our family consist of Me(Shyam sunder) and younger brother Ram and lastly my sister,my father expired in the year of 2010 april, after that my sister got married june 2011, with inter caste marriage,as on date of expired on my father name agriculture land 17 acres, out of that 13 acres are inherited property from my grandfather and 4 acres are acquired my father from his earnings and as an date of expired , my mother name also having 6 acres agriculture land in my mother, total 23 acres land both my father and mother, total my father name agriculture land showing transferred in revenue records also to my name and brother name in the year 2011, at that time of my sister age was 20, now whether she is eligible to claim legal rights of our father land which was mutated to my name and brother name, and also any legal rights she can be claimed my mother land, still as on date my mother name land showing as per revenue records are 5acres, request you to guide what are the action needs to be taken my self and my mother and brother on my sister, simultaneously what type of legal rights she can claim on my family.

Suresh Pillai (Expert) 03 April 2019
First of all it is essential to know that how did your Late Father acquired the property. If your Late Father has acquired the property in inheritance as a Legal Heir/Successor, all of you will have the right of equal share in that property.

If your Late Father acquired the property by his own and if he has any Will/Nomination, the property's ownership shall be passed on to the Nominee according to Will/Nomination.
Again, in the absence of Will/Nomination, all of you (including your Mother) will have equal rights on that property.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 03 April 2019
Dear queriest, your father inherited 13 acres and self acquired 4 acres. I think your father died intestate. so your mother, you and your siblings have equal rights over the property. How did mutate the property in your name and your brother name? is there any deed? How did you mother get that 6 acres agricultural land? If the property of your mother is her self acquired, she can gift it to any one or she may execute will.
P. Venu (Expert) 04 April 2019
Your sister has an equal right in the late father's property, left intestate (i.e.not bequeathed by Will). In fact, the property is already vested with her together with her mother and siblings.
However, the query is troubling in more than one way. The tone and tenor of the posting suggest that you are expecting us to make suggestion of the ways by which your younger sister could be deprived of her legal rights, just because she has married a person belonging to another caste. You are, I am afraid, before the wrong Forum.

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