Name change
Neeraj Jha
(Querist) 15 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts,
I had changed my name and address, and published in 3 local newspapers.
after 6 months at my parental house, summons came from court mentioned my old name then my parents denied and told that the name of the person does not live here. and he wrote down that and went back.
Please assist me is there any legal action against me by court in any manner.
Thanks in advance.
(Expert) 15 July 2016
Give complete description of the case. Even otherwise, if you have committed any crime in your original name, change of name has no relevance.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 15 July 2016
State full facts.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 15 July 2016
State full facts.
adv.bharat @ PUNE
(Expert) 15 July 2016
Author need to explain query raised by expert.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 16 July 2016
Try to find out the details of case for which summons were received and try to attend the court on due / next date.
Neeraj Jha
(Querist) 18 July 2016
My wife filed a case for maintenance, now please advise. If I don't attend court then anything can happen against me, the summon does not relate to me now because my name and address already changed.
(Expert) 18 July 2016
I don't think, you have any such problem in reality. Although your academic question does not deserve any response from experts, yet I may say, you can't escape from your liability of paying maintenance charges to your wife, irrespective of change of your name and address.
Neeraj Jha
(Querist) 18 July 2016
This form is for legal advise not personal or emotional advise. There are people who make their own rule (IPC). Remember and learn there is not emotion in the court. If answer is not with you then don't say anything. If you want enjoy people's emotions then its not good. Firstly you wanted to know the fact and now disturbing my query. Don't do this. OK MR. D..
(Expert) 18 July 2016
Mr. Sonu,
Thanks for your advice.
Answer was with me and I gave that. By the what wrong you have found in my answer where I have said, "you can't escape from your liability of paying maintenance charges to your wife, irrespective of change of your name and address"?
If you feel my reply is wrong, you are free to quote the provisions of the IPC or HMA or any other law according to which you can ecape from paying maintenance on change of name and address.
However, if you are more knowledgeable person than the members here, you should not have put your query here.
But don't think that your academic nature of query cannot be identified if you demonstration unwanted angry posture and unduly direct me not to answer.
Neeraj Jha
(Querist) 18 July 2016
Thanks for further tuning and taking interest in my query, definitely I cannot escape from this eventually, but may be more efforts are required by my wife in this case. Until unless she does not get my address and name how she can able to deliver summon/notice unto me? and court is not liable to investigate the new name and address. therefore in this manner I need query that is there any provision in HMA/IPC to charge to Summonsed person?
You can understand the feeling of a man Mr. Dhingra, now a days much women gives trouble the man without any reason. And may be you have studded many of false cases filed by women in past decades.
So Man have to fight by his own and make the way because laws does not support him much but favor the women at most.
(Expert) 18 July 2016
Mr. Sonu, I prefer to deal with reality and provisions of law, against which feelings have no relevance.
Neeraj Jha
(Querist) 20 July 2016
I want to know only if I do not present before court and my mother already refused for summons, court found the summoned person is not on address then can court dismiss petitioner's plea or not? or that court can take further action against me on any ground??? which ground here to be placed??
Please suggest the my date is on 22-Jul-16.
rajeev sharma
(Expert) 22 July 2016
mr Sonu you are asking our advise on how to avoid service of summon in a suit of maintenance filrd by your wife against you. we are here to advise how to follow law not how to avoid law. Sorry such queries may not be replied