Need injection order or deed cancel
(Querist) 24 May 2016
This query is : Resolved
I am the owner and Possessor of land bearing S.No 202/C ,situated at Rajipet Village of Parkal Mandal Warangal District to Extent of AC.2-10 guntas respectively .
I Submit that during the year 1993 one Mr. Udutha Parashuramulu who is the Owner of adjacent to my land in S.No. 202/C and 204 ,has disturbed the boundaries of my land and tried to occupy about 30 gunts of land .there after i got the land measured through M.C. inspector and got my land perfectly demarcated In year 1989 .
in continuation of his high behavior and with the help of Mr.Sai reddy (VRO) siad parashuramulu has illegally confimed me in police station ,parkal with the help of Police ,Parkal and by threatening me and my family of life danger said Parashuramulu got my signatures on some written stamped papers under threats and coercion. I humbly submit that neither there was any willing ness or need for me to sell the land nor there was any consideration paid towards the said alleged sale.
P. Venu
(Expert) 24 May 2016
What is your query?
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 24 May 2016
Discuss with local lawyer show him all the documents.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 25 May 2016
Show the documents and site plan and share other relevant information with a local lawyer for proper appreciation, analyses, opinion, guidance and proceeding.
(Querist) 28 May 2016
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 28 May 2016
If your neighbor is using police force to pressurise you to handover your land to him, you may issue a legal notice to him as well as to the police to not to interfere in your possession and enjoyment of your property and if at all he has any grievance he may approach court of law and such acts of threats are illegal and violation of human rights.
After that you institute a bare injunction suit against him restraining him from interfering into your possession and enjoyment of your properties.
Discuss with your advocate and proceed further as per his advises.