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Need to know the chances of getting divorce

(Querist) 16 March 2008 This query is : Resolved 
I got married in 2003 (Love Cum Arrange marriage). Its been almost two years now that we are living separately. I only have a younger sister in my family. My so called wife always used to fight with her on small things. She wanted her domination in house. According to her I should have given all the importance only to her & her family members. She always forced me to do things as per her wish. We used to have strong arguments & fights till late nights. I had tried my best to make her understand in every single manner which I could but things didn't work out. Ultimately I decided that we should get a divorce. She is at her parents house since Apr.' 06. She still wants to be back & isn't ready to give divorce. Request you to please give me some valuable advice by which i could come out of this marriage asap.
Chintan Mehta (Querist) 16 March 2008
SANJAY DIXIT (Expert) 17 March 2008
Dear Chintan, as your wife is not ready for divorce, you can't move the joint petition for divorce ie divorce by mutual consent.In these circumstances you have the option to file the suit for divorce against your wife on the ground of mental & physical cruelity before the competant Court of Law at your District.
Vishwanath tripathi (Expert) 19 March 2008
Dear,Mr.sanjay dixit has given the right suggestion.file a divorce petition before the competent court.
ritu bhadana (Expert) 02 April 2009
i agree with my ld. friends but b4 going for divorce try to solve the matter and reconcile. you can also go b4 a marriage conusellor and try to explain your wife your priorities and if she is ready to adjust then why to file litigation which may take years as your wife is not ready for divorce.
ritu bhadana (Expert) 02 April 2009
i agree with my ld. friends but b4 going for divorce try to solve the matter and reconcile. you can also go b4 a marriage conusellor and try to explain your wife your priorities and if she is ready to adjust then why to file litigation which may take years as your wife is not ready for divorce.

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