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Next of kin

(Querist) 19 May 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Sir, requested for your kind attention,
what is NEXT-OF-KIN rights and as per law what it stands for. my divorce case is in court and my wife is next of kin as per records and i made my mother 50% nominee. but here my office says that next of kin is still has more power to get your all assests and everything.
how a WILL can be made as nominee other than wife and difference between nomenee as will mentioned and to avoid next of kin. how can we challange next of kin.
ajay sethi (Expert) 19 May 2013
after your divorce you cn ainform your office that you have been legally divorced . enclose copy of divorce decree .
they will change the office records .

you cna laos make a will bequeathing your moveable and immoveable assets to whom soever you desire
R.K Nanda (Expert) 19 May 2013
no more to add.
what she will get as being next of kin before divorce if i die.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 20 May 2013
You can immediately change your NOK in Part-II Order if you do think such eventuality.
@ RK Makkad sir,
what it means ''part-II'' orders, how and where we can find its process.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 26 May 2013
A record of every armed personnel is kept in his record office viz. Artillery record is situated in Nasik Road Camp, Raj Rif in Delhi Cantt. Jat Regisment in Bareilly etc.

Part-II is a record of change of personal events of a armed personnel in which changes can be got entered by CRO on the recommendation of Commanding Officer of that armed personnel so get change the Part-II order as per your requirement.

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