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No meeting called due to dispute bewten chairman & Secretary

(Querist) 20 May 2009 This query is : Resolved 
We have a total of 39 members in our society and in the election for committee members held in Nov '06 a total of 7 members elected hairman/Secretary/Treasure and 4 other members.

Now there is dispute between secretary and chairman and no one is calling the meeting, what member should?

The Committe had taken up following jobs and are remaining pending as
No meeting is held:-
(a) Refixing of RCC Grills in staircase
(b) Clearing of chokes in rainwater pipes and drainage pipes
(c) Painting of exterior, staircases, lift, lobby renovation
(d) Fixing of Tiles in the Ground

(e) Rainwater Harvesting

Advice required - Thanx
A V Vishal (Expert) 20 May 2009
Dear Tipsy,

Much depends on the bye-laws framed by the society. Generally all bye-laws have mention of the periodicity of meetings, who can convene the same, quorum etc..., it has also clauses regarding rights of the members to call for a meeting. There are 2 options available 1. call a extra-ordinary general meeeting of all the members and discuss the issue. The second option is complain to the registrar of societies about the irregularity and then government will on its motion direct the future course of action.

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