No One Has The Answer Why ? Dont Know . Or Dont What to Answer Why Dont Know ?

Querist :
(Querist) 02 April 2011
This query is : Resolved
ACT No. 5 OF 1920 [ 25th February, 1920.]
An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Insolvency 1 as administered by Courts having jurisdiction outside the Presidency- towns 2.
WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to insolvency 1 as administered by Courts having jurisdiction outside the Presidency- towns 2;
ACT NO. 3 OF 1909 1 [ 12th March, 1909.]
An Act to amend the Law of Insolvency in the Presidency- Towns 2
WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the law relating to insolvency in the Presidency- towns 3;
Query :1) So what does the peramble says pls in detail also what do u mean by "Insolvency 1 as administered by Courts having jurisdiction outside the Presidency- towns 2." Meaning of 1 & 2 in the abovementioned statement.
Query : 2) So what does the peramble says pls in detail also what do u mean by "An Act to amend the Law of Insolvency in the Presidency- Towns 2
WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the law relating to insolvency in the Presidency- towns 3;" Meaning of 2 & 3 in the abovementioned statement.
Also why the peramble mentioned Presidency- towns 2 & Presidency- towns 3 pl tell me in detail because i am confused which should be used or should kept in mind.
Meaning of Presidency- towns & Presidency.
An Act to amend the Law of Insolvency in the Presidency- Towns 2
WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the law relating to insolvency in the Presidency- towns 3;
Query : What do u mean by 2 & 3 .In the above statements.
An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Insolvency 1 as administered by Courts having jurisdiction outside the Presidency- towns 2.
WHEREAS it is expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to insolvency 1 as administered by Courts having jurisdiction outside the Presidency- towns 2;
Query : What do u mean by 1 & 2 in the above mentioned statment ?
Also who to kno that which THE PROVINCIAL INSOLVENCY ACT, 1920 & THE PRESIDENCY- TOWNS INSOLVENCY ACT, 1909 is applicable & where it is applicable.
2) This is the 15 th time i am writing the query but no one has the answer or why the respected jursit dont want to answer . AS the query has posted in this forum because i haven't got the answer for any where else so i am posting this forum again & agin so pls help me out.
Meaning of Proof Affidavit, Counter Affidavit, & rejoinder Affidavit ( Pls the difference if possible) where, when file & also applicable in tax matters or not , SLP & writ petition.
help me out.
Thanks In Advance
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 02 April 2011
Please go through the book rather than loosing time in posting this type of bookish queries.

(Expert) 03 April 2011
First of all you need to review the language of your own question.
The text of your question is not a query, rather you have expected the experts to critically examine the provisions of various laws and write several essays, as if they have been supposed by you to be sitting in some qualifying acaemic examination to pass some test specified by you as an examiner, still further by questioning their wisdom through the present question heading.
Query must be brief and to the point, specific to the particular case giving appropriate background of the case.
If you are a law student, you must go through your text books or classroom lectures. However, if you get some doubt, you can either go to your teacher or even come to this forum with specific doubt.
Further, if the queries relate to some specific case of yours you should have approached your own hired lawyer for clarifications.
Now I pose a question to you, why the experts should give you reply for such a rude & uncultured question asking them to reply "if don't know, WHY THEY DON'T KNOW? What compulsion they have got from your side that they must answer your rude question. Have you paid any fee to any of them on account of which they are supposed to reply any type of your rude question full of your uncultured language?
I pose another question to you, if you don't know the reply to your your own queries, why you also don't know, and why posted such a rude & uncultured question for others to reply?