Nomination wants maintenance bill in his name
D Chavan
(Querist) 28 October 2013
This query is : Resolved
In our society Mr. X nominated his son Y. On the death of Mr.X the flat is transferred in the name of Mr.Y (nominee) after completing all the formalities as per Bye-Laws.
The Electricity Bill is in the name of Mr. X. Since the bill is getting very high Mr. Y the nominee wants to get it transferred in his name.
Mr Y has submitted a letter stating that he is member of the society and wants society's NOC for transfer of Electricity Bill in his name . He also says that he is aware of the fact that he is not the owner of the property. Now I want to know whether society can issue such NOC? or can issue maintenance bill in his name if he is requesting for ?
(Expert) 29 October 2013
When on the death of Mr. X the flat is transferred in the name of Mr Y(nominee) then the nominee is became absolute owner of that property and Mr Y has right to get maintenance bill in his name and pay the same to the appropriate authority. Electricity change of name is the other matter out of society because this is totally out of by laws of society and depend on ECB or ECC. so you approach to Electricity authority.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 29 October 2013
no harm in furnishing NOC for transfer of electricity meter .
nominee is only a trustee for legal heirs . he is not absolute owner of flat .
(Expert) 29 October 2013
nominee is entitled to trf Elec bill. so issue NOC
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 29 October 2013
NOC can be issued in the name of nominee when flat has been transferred in his name.
Chattopadhyay Arghya
(Expert) 02 November 2013
Answers about NOC resolved. But NOC may involve some points on requirement. If you say bill is getting high what is the relation or operative factor of increasing/decreasing bill amt. with name of holder of connection? Mr. X dead. Who uses? You? Your usage makes bill amount. If you think the metering device is faulty your question would have been I want to change my electricity metering device but connection to be transferred first;as such NOC is required. if can be given. Second thing is that you Y son of Mr. X. what is the necessity of bothering about Nominee Right? If Hindu if Muslim If Christian Son is successor provided no testament is executed in other's name like gift deed will, mortgage etc. If no testament you are title holder and may directly approach for modification with a copy to society if society delays issuing NOC.
D Chavan
(Querist) 04 November 2013
Society has issued NOC for transfer of Electricity Connection in the name of Nominee. My second question is not replied. Whether Maintenance Bill can be issued in the name of NOMINEE? Property is in Mumbai, Maharashtra.
(Expert) 05 November 2013
Absolutely, the maintenance bill issued in the name of Nominee.