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Non-compliance of EPS1995 pension norms while calculating epf member pension

(Querist) 05 April 2008 This query is : Resolved 
It is observed that the E.P.F.Organisations are not fully following the EPS 95 Pension norms while calculating member pension.As per EAQ NO:15 past service pension nd past service benefits uner FPS1971 are to be prepared as per age on 16-11-95 and pension slab RS;800/p.m for below 48 yrs nd Rs600/ for those between 48-52 yrs on 16-11-95 nd Rs500/p.m for24 years past service for those above 53 yrs old.And minimum under eps95 Rs335/p.m nd
nd Rs265/p.m under EFPS1971 making Rs600/p.m minimumm pension to be given for an epf pensioner having more than 10 yrs P.F membership is there n worked under both EPS95 &EFPS71.But EPFO not giving it.How we will get Justice /where to apply for getting pension as per EPS95 pension norms? Pl inform by E mail to me.. A.Chandran.,member
chandra (Querist) 06 April 2008
Reply is awaiting for Non-Compliance of EPS 1995 pension norms while preparing monthly pension to epf members by Employees provident Fun Organisation.Is it not a violation of EPS95 pension norms?Denial of eligible Pension to poor EPF pensioners by wrong Interpretation of EPS95 by certain high Officers in Labour Ministry n E.P.F.Orgn is a criminal act.To be verified nd information to be given where to contact for getting justice by our
chandra (Querist) 09 April 2008
Eventhough it is found my quiry for non compliance of eps 95 pension norms are solved, not following while preparing monthly pension of epf pensioners I could not find the resolved answers for that .kindly help me to see the reply for my quiries (A.Chandran)member
chandra (Querist) 14 April 2008
Reply is expecting for non -compliance of EPS95 pension norms while calculating pension for EPf pensioners.Please answer to my email A.Chandran(
chandra (Querist) 19 April 2008
Request to any senior lawyer who deals E.P.F.Orgn matters.I have not received the reply for Non.compliance of EPS 95 pension normswhile preparing pension for epf pensioners.Reply may be sent to my E mail address A.Chandran(
chandra (Querist) 27 April 2008
For my quiries Non compliance of EPS1995 pensio norms.....No answer is seen so far.It is shown as resolve i could not see the answer,Kindly help me t show the resolved answer .A.ChandranLawyersclubindia

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