Non-compliance of order passed by dy. registrar of co-op hsg societies, by society office-bearers
(Querist) 01 August 2012
This query is : Resolved
I want to know what legal action - civil as well as criminal - I can take against the office bearers of the Co-Op Hsg Society when despite of Order passed by Dy. Registrar of Co-Op Hsg Societies directing the Society to transfer the membership of the society and ownership of the Flat in my name from previous member/owner, the office bearers of society are not complying with the Order of Dy. Registrar.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 12 August 2012
There are some sections of IPC which provide for punishment for failure to abide with lawful command of s public servant.
You cna also apply for disssolution of the existing body.