Non-consideration of application for a post advertised in web-site
Amaresh Patel
(Querist) 09 December 2013
This query is : Resolved
Respected Sir,
I am a Postal employee working since 15 years in Department of Posts. I had applied for the post of Technical Supervisor (CEPT Mysore) on 01.10.13 duly filled up in the prescribed application form published vide Department of Posts web site( dated 30.09.13 through proper channel which was received by my immediate higher authority, i.e. o/o the SSPOs, Sundargarh Division on 03.10.13. As a matter of regret my application was returned by the o/o the SSPOs, Sundargarh Division on 05.12.13 with the remarks “no information has been received from the Dept. of Post regarding recruitment of Technical Supervisor (CEPT Mysore)” inspite of my intimation of the publicity of the deputation in website in my application itself which was received back by me on 07.12.13 during the office hours.
As per the advertisement my application had to be arrived to the Dy Director General(Technology), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, N Delhi-100001 within 15 days of date of advertisement through proper channel only and if received directly then the application will not be entertained. For kind information no hard copy of the advertisement has been received from our Department by my office. I applied vide our departmental web site
Now I am unable to apply again for the same as the date has already been crossed.
A copy of my application for the Post on 01.10.13
I hereby apply for the post of Technical Suprevisor(CEPT Mysore) duly filled up in the prescribed application format in Annexure-B published in the Department of Posts web site ( dated 30.09.13 for kind consideration of my eligibility for the said post.
A copy of the SSPOs letter dtd 05.12.13
It is to intimate that no information has been received from the Depat. Of Post regarding recruitment of Technical Supervisor (CEPT Mysore). Hence the application can not be forwarded to DDG(Technology) and returned herewith.
So, it is requested kindly to convey me if I can apply for a Post published through the website and request to give me advice for getting natural justice for the same.
With regards.
Amaresh Patel
krishna mohan
(Expert) 17 December 2013
It looks you have applied for a post within the department on deputation basis. If yes you could have sent an advance copy pending forwarding through proper channel. Since it is in the same dept. your authorities could have considered your application for forwarding through proper channel. You will appreciate that authorities also can not simply forward based on employees claim but need to rely on Advertisement in Employment News or any copy of communication directly received.
Amaresh Patel
(Querist) 18 December 2013
As per advertisement there was clear instruction that application received directly will not be entertained
(Expert) 18 December 2013
u must apply thru your superior/ boss, as dept job

(Expert) 18 December 2013
Besides ads in the website, copies of all advertisements of recruitment in Government departments appear in Employment news from time to time in the shape of hard copies.