Non registration of our civic body
natarajan s
(Querist) 07 November 2009
This query is : Resolved
I am residing at Mahalakshmi nagar Adambakkam Chennai - We have a forum (i.e. an association like welfare association) called as MAHALAKSHMI CIVIC FORUM.
it was started way back 1989 under societies registration act & later the registration was never been renewed.
kindly advise whether could it be renewed? how much it will cost?
or else how to close it down? what to do with the funds we have in the name of forum. if a new association in the name as mahalakshmi nagar welfare association is started then any possibility of transfering these funds to that new body?
what is the legality in this issue?
kindly clarify. Thanking you very much
S Natarajan
Treasurer - Mahalaksmi civic forum
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 07 November 2009
There is no need to renew the registration. Once registered remains registered till it is revoked on the grounds mentioned in the Deed of Society itself. If you want to close it, you can refer to the provision contain it the deed itself. You can very well wind up the existing society and can constitute new and can also transfer all its funds in the new society by fully compling with the terms and conditions mentioned therein.
natarajan s
(Querist) 21 December 2012
thank u verymuch sir,