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Not getting promotion from the post of Range Officer to HFS officer due to due to pending litigation

(Querist) 27 May 2011 This query is : Resolved 
Subject : Not getting promotion from the post of Range Officer to HFS officer due to due to pending litigations among senior HFS officers.

We the members of Haryana Forest Rangers Welfare Association are not getting our promotion to next post of HFS due to various & several litigations pending in Hon’ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana. 7 HFS officers are to be promoted to IFS cadre and these vacancies are due for promotion since 1.1.2008 (4 no.) and 1.1.2010 (3no.). These litigations are regarding seniority and confirmation among HFS officer. These litigations are result of over cleverness, selfishness and over ambitions of some of HFS officers. Until and unless these litigations are decided by court, there can be no vacancy for promotion of Range officer to HFS. Court may take another 2-3 years to decide these litigation. The department is not promoting Range Officers to HFS saying that there is no vacancy due to above mentioned reasons. As a result of this the Range Officers are badly affected and service carrier of members of this category is also badly affected. It is causing us harassment, blocking our future prospects and pecuniary losses as well without any fault of ours.
Please guide us-
1.Whom to approach and how we should proceed to get our right of promotion which was due to be provided to us immediately after 1.1.2008 and 1.1.2010.
2. Some posts (may be 6 no.) of HFS officers of Direct Quota are vacant but we are not getting promotion against these posts also. It will take about 3-4 years of time to the department to fill these vacancies due to procedure of recruitment and training. Can we get promotion against these posts as after court decision these vacancies can be adjusted again.
3.Should we suffer without any fault of ours.
4. How we can get justice and our right of promotion.

With regards.
Guest (Expert) 01 June 2011
If there is a stay order in making promotions your approach to any authority cannot work unless stay is vacated.
Ajay Pal Jangra (Querist) 01 June 2011
Sir Thanks for your suggestion. But the stay is regarding promotion from HFS cadre to IFS cadre and not for Range Officer to HFS cadre.

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