Not submit proper counter.reg
brijesh sharma
(Querist) 31 May 2012
This query is : Resolved
Respected Sir, My office respondent 3, in my O.A. filed in CAT Delhi has not submitted proper ccounter as istructed by respondent 2.Respondent 3 has also filled counter on behalf of respondent 1 i.e. GOI to whom respondent 3 not authorized. In my case of promotion respondent 2 is saying that my case should be put before DPC, but respondent 3 ignorring these instructions of respondent 2.What I should do?
Suhail A.Siddiqui
(Expert) 31 May 2012
each respondent has to file counter/ reply, if u find any delay tactic make a request to court for closing respondent's reply and treat as completion of proceedings.
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 01 June 2012
Nothing left to be added.
Shonee Kapoor