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Not sure if I need to file for a divorce - Help Please

(Querist) 21 December 2014 This query is : Resolved 
Hi, I am looking for some help regarding my unusual situation - I am not sure if i need to file a divorce. If yes, then i need help in filing divorce without having to use a lawyer as I can't afford one!

My Situation: Aprrox 2.5 yrs back I had a boy friend who had me sign some certificate in a temple in presence of a lawyer's assistant & him and his parents claim it's a marriage certificate. I don't know what certificate is that! My family is totally unaware of the situation.
I never stayed with him after that and I want to cancel that document so I don't have to face any problem in future.
Please suggest if I need to file for a divorce. If yes,
- What is the procedure for divorce with mutual consent and how do I do it without a lawyer as I can't afford a lawyer!
- How long would it take to get that certificate null & void?
- Do I still have to serve that 6 months of time trying to resolve things with him before finally getting the divorce? (I don't want to resolve anything - I am not with him for over 2 years already).

Please help!
You could connect with my friend at +91-9620977847
He is aware of the situation and would help me!
Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 21 December 2014
Hundreds of cases have been reported and the Madras High court has taken firm action to set things right.Any way, consult local lawyer.If not afforded go to free legal Aid.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 21 December 2014
Without seeing the paper it is difficult to advise as it its legal sanctity warranting decree of divorce to dissolve the marriage.
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 22 December 2014
Dear Querist
you may file a civil suit for declaration of this certificate as null and void or you may file a mutual consent divorce petition before family court with him, both the parties should be appear before family court at the time of First motion and second motion.

If you are unable to afford a lawyer's service then you may contact District Legal Aid service and claim free legal aid. being the lady you are eligible for getting free legal aid.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 22 December 2014
Take help of LEGAL AID ...
ajay sethi (Expert) 22 December 2014
since you cant afford legal fees contact legal aid center
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 22 December 2014
All the papers and related documents need to be referred. Consult through legal aid center.
Akash (Querist) 22 December 2014
Thanks a lot for your immediate and kind guidance Isaac, Devajyoti, Nadeem, VR Shroff, Ajay and Rajendra. I really appreciate the gesture. You guys are life saver! :)

I hope I don't have to ask for help again, but in case I need anymore guidance, I'd reach out.
Akash (Querist) 22 December 2014
Thanks a lot for your immediate and kind guidance Isaac, Devajyoti, Nadeem, VR Shroff, Ajay and Rajendra. I really appreciate the gesture. You guys are life saver! :)

I hope I don't have to ask for help again, but in case I need anymore guidance, I'd reach out.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 23 December 2014
From the narration it can be understood that your marriage was solmnised in a temple where you were required to sign the form for getting married or the register kept in the temple for the purpose. However, though the marriage has not been registered in the registrar office, it is a legally valid marriage which can be dissolved by a court of law only. If your husband agrees for a mutual consent divorce, you both may file a petition jointly seeking to dissolve your marriage by mutual consent, which after taken into file, will kept aside for a period of six months after which both have to appear once again before the court and the divorce will be decreed by court. For this, if you know the filing procedure and the exact legal wordings, you do not have to take the assistance of a lawyer, better do it yourself.
P. Venu (Expert) 24 December 2014
It is improbable that Akash Kumar is a girl's name. If so, where is the question of valid marriage with the boyfriend?
Akash (Querist) 24 December 2014
Thanks for the guidance.
Btw, Akash Kumar is my friend and I am using his account for guidance here. He is just helping me!
ajay sethi (Expert) 25 December 2014
thanks for your appreciation
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 26 December 2014
You're welcome for your appreciations.

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