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Notarised affidavit to obtain a residential cert from mro

Guest (Querist) 12 January 2014 This query is : Resolved 
In one of the TV News (IBN)discussion a point was raised whether it is as per the law of the land or self induced asking people to deposit a notarised affidavit along with the application for say a residential cert, a birth or death cert etc etc from the MRO/Tehsildar ? There were many expert views..What is the law of the law of the land and why it is being continued in some states where some other states have got rid of that in favour of self attested affidavit?
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 12 January 2014
It is a State subject, which differ
Guest (Querist) 12 January 2014
In which way it differs for a common man from India seeking to get a birth cert or death cert or a residential cert..and why it should differ at all?
Besides main aim of my question is to question the validity of such notarised affidavits which is exploited by the clerks in collusion with
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 12 January 2014
Self attested affidavits have still not been recognized by State Govts. till today despite of long pending demand. Lets see what happens in a writ petition pending before Apex court on this subject.
Guest (Querist) 13 January 2014
Can I get some more info on that Writ Petition pendig before the Supreme Court & how long. During the TV discussion moderated by Mr Bahal and participated by Dr Kiran Bedi , Mr Dipankar Gupta etc it was stated by Dr Kiran Bedi that it is alrady in vogue in Punjab. Mr Dipankar Gupta opined that except a few many such are not required as per law of the land but invented by our clerks and babus..If this is so why Supreme Court needed to admit the writ petition as it could be done by the able administrators like Narendra Modis.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 13 January 2014
Tehsildar/ collector office entertain self affidavit, for domiciliary/ other cert , only Rs. 5/- court fee and a small charge. to produce on same day.. before the authority.

""deposit of a notarised affidavit" is for those, who do not appear in person.

Guest (Querist) 13 January 2014
In AP all those cert are to be obtained through Mee Seva Offices outsourced to the public. At the Tehsildar's Office it is written in bold letters what all documents are to submitted through Mee Seva. I had in the recent past to obtain residential cert for me and my daughter to obtain CAP cert for admission to MBBS against EAMCET rank.In that I was asked to submit the application in a standard format provided by them ( In fact one has to buy it from another vendor nearby)along with:
a) A notarised affidavit that I am residing in my residence since....
b) Attested by two state govt gazetted Officers.
c) Address proof, Identity proof etc etc
It is heartening to note that tehsildar office at Mumbai (Maharastra) admit appl with self attested affidavit a fact not known to the likes of Dr Kiran Bedi or Mr Dipankar Gupta or even the anchor Sri Bahal.They must issue another statement on the issue for public who were misled on that day.
I am sure govt of AP must do it at once and should not wait for the next PM.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 14 January 2014
Even in Tamilnadu, a self affidavit is enough as an application for the said certificates, which will be investigated by the Revenue officials and appropriate certificates are issued accordingly.
Guest (Querist) 14 January 2014
I will certainly confront Mr Bahal the host of Change India debate in IBN news channel with the info obtained. They should have double checked before putting the programme on air...
Guest (Querist) 29 January 2014
It is still a must in Hyderabad, Secunderabad (Ranga Reddy Dist)..Advocates are the beneficiaries..Now where do we go?

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