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OBC and caste

(Querist) 28 December 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Hi sir. my father have two wives. My mother is first wife. after second marriage my mother living seperately sonce 25 years (I.e. after my birth). My mother is illeterate. While joining in school my mother given wrong details of caste. I.e my actual caste is MOTATI KAPU (UR) but she given MUNNURU KAPU (OBC). Up to my graduation joining am also doesnt care about it. Around 23 to 25 years we went to my fathers village then I recognize that my caste is MOTATIKAPU (UR). this is effected on my studies I.e am mentally disturbed so much. Any way I completed my PG also but my main problem is now am facing that is while am applying govt jobs which caste I mention in application form .

Can I apply any govt jobs with UR categeory without problems in future.I.e legally ?

And what should I do for wrong obc ceryificate cancellation ?

can I proceed with this obc certificate without facing problems ??
Pls gove me best solution for my problem.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 29 December 2015
as per school records you are UR. So applying for OBC certificate now can cause problem at any stage in career.

Now it is safe for you to apply as UR only.

Every SC/ST/OBC has a right not to produce any certificate and remain as general candidate.
Advocate. Arunagiri (Expert) 29 December 2015
As per your school records you are OBC, but you claim that you are UR.

You can apply for a new community certificate by filing an affidavit and supporting proofs for your claim as UR.

On receipt of this the authorities will conduct inquiry and will issue community certificate as UR.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 29 December 2015
Do not use the certificate / take any benefit under OBC category.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 05 January 2016
Why are you so keen to seek benefits of reserved catagory if you are so meritorious, forgo for someone else.

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