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Obc caste certificate

(Querist) 20 November 2024 This query is : Resolved 
Urgent please reply ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ™ :- I have Bihar state obc certificate on which my caste is mention byahut kalwar because in state list bania :- kalwar(eraki), kalwar(kalal), (byahut kalwar)is there but in central list of Bihar state there is kalwar , kalal , kalar not byahut kalwar , as I know BYAHUT KALWAR and kalwar both are same byahut kalwar is sub caste of kalwar but still issuing authority is saying they will accept my application because on state certificate it's byahut kalwar and in central list it's kalwar, I request you all please give right suggestion what should I do , there are some ncbc advice pdf where it is mentioned that kalwar main caste include all sub caste but that is for the state of Odisha central list. Please reply asap whoever have expertise in this case
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 20 November 2024
The central and state list of OBC varies from one state to another.
You cannot claim eligibility based on the rules of the neighbouring states.
You have no alternative than to accept the rules of your own state in this regard.
aryan Kumar (Querist) 21 November 2024
But sir there is advice of ncbc regarding this issue that byahut kalwar is sub caste of KALWAR and including kalwar in central list covers all sub caste then why issuing authority don't check sub caste ? And if I search on google I can see a recent high court judgement of Odisha regarding the same issue.
aryan Kumar (Querist) 21 November 2024
But sir there is advice of ncbc regarding this issue that byahut kalwar is sub caste of KALWAR and including kalwar in central list covers all sub caste then why issuing authority don't check sub caste ? And if I search on google I can see a recent high court judgement of Odisha regarding the same issue.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 21 November 2024
The rules of Orrissa state may differ to that of your state and that judgment may not be applicable to your state rules in this regard.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 22 November 2024
if you are aware of judgement then explain ho it fits to your case
aryan Kumar (Querist) 22 November 2024
Sir in odisha high court judgement in 2023 court told ncbc to issue a clarification about byahut kalwar is sub caste of kalwar in odisha central list where it is also mention that ncbc didn't included byahut kalwar as synonyms because mostly migrant of Bihar state and other state so if there Central list not included byahut kalwar as synonyms of kalwar that's why they didn't included in odisha list too. but people with byahut kalwar caste apply under kalwar caste , and on ncbc portal advice of ncbc for Bihar state where it rejected to add jaiswal as synonyms of kalwar , in that pdf it's also mention that byahut kalwar is sub caste of kalwar , I explained about it but my tehsildar didn't listen as said jab portal per byahut kalwar ka option hi nhi list me toh byahut kalwar ke certificate ke basis per kalwar ka kese de dunga caste same hona chayiye jo certificate blood relatives ka laga rhe usper bhi kalwar hona chayiye ๐Ÿคง๐Ÿคง but Bihar state list me directly kalwar caste hai hi nhi RTI bhi daali ncbc per to give clarification regarding byahut kalwar is sub caste of KALWAR or not and can people with byahut kalwar caste certificate apply under kalwar caste but my RTI rejected and reply was my query don't comes under RTI rules ๐Ÿ˜ญ but it's genuine query what should I write in my RTI so that ncbc will reply without rejection?? Please suggest what should I write in RTI about this issue ? If you can suggest then I will copy your text and will file new RTI again ๐Ÿ™
aryan Kumar (Querist) 22 November 2024
I request you to suggest what should be my word in RTI application so that my query will be accepted under RTI act rules. Please write it I will copy and paste it on RTI website ๐Ÿ™ or what other options I have ?
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 23 November 2024
Byahut Klawar is a sub-caste of Kalwar and inclusion of the main caste Kalwar will adequately cover all genuine sub-castes of Kalwar as per the National Commission of Backward Classes in the year 1999.
Dr. J C Vashista (Expert) 24 November 2024
Very well analysed, opined and advised by learned senior experts, I endorse and nothing more to add.

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