Obc certificate clause confusion
Samvedna shah
(Querist) 05 February 2013
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir/Madam
I am a native resident of Bihar, recently is issued a OBC Caste certificate from Right to Public Services Counter in Marhaura, the confusion is that the certificate issued by by the Tehsildar contains by caste serial no a 13 where the verification copy on website contains 129 whereas rest of the details remaining the same, now it posing a severe problem as i have applied to several employment vacancies taking this, this came to my notice a few days ago as i am already working in a college and they are going to terminate me on grounds of OBC claim to be false, now what should i do, please help me its very urgent
you can see it on
and my application ID is 040775172131201413
please help me my entire career
Isaac Gabriel
(Expert) 25 February 2013
Send a representtion to
National Commission for Backward Classes,
Trikoot - 1, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi - 110 066.
Website: http://ncbc.nic.in
Justice M.N.Rao,
Tel: 91-11-26183152
Fax: 91-11-26182388
Email: justicemnrao@gmail.com