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On father property - self paying emi. how to write will..

(Querist) 18 November 2021 This query is : Resolved 
We are 3 children to our Parents. 3 yrs back self along with my father applied Housing loan (am co-applicant) & finished the first floor (3 bhk) above my already existing father's ground floor (old 2 bhk) property -( total land area 1950Sq.ft). My elder sister and younger sisters are married and insisting for their share in my fathers property. Presently am paying the EMI for the first floor and the renowation/extention of the ground floor.
Please suggest how to write the will / share the property to my sisters, if all of us has a share...
Secondly if all of us has equal land share is there any legal issue will arise while selling my first floor in future?...any no objection required from my 2 sisters etc.
Looking into the long term benefits/problems, kindly suggest how my father should handle the situation while writing the will/registration.
Thanking you.
with best regards,
Karan (Querist) 19 November 2021
please respond to the above, thanking in advance
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 20 November 2021
When your father wants his self-acquired property may be succeeded by all 3 of you (siblings) what is the need for executing a will as the property shall devolve upon you all equally?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 20 November 2021
opened new thread

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