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Order reserved and imporatnce of pleadings n cited judgements

(Querist) 13 May 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I have filed a case in CAT and there after reply was filed by the respondents and then i filed a rejoinder and cited important various cases of Hon'ble Supreme court of india and Division Bench Judgement of various high court of india in the rejoinder but i did not attached the judgement only mentioned the important para of the case and cited the judgement.during the hearing when all arguments are over and i try to submit those judgment in court but the order was reserved and judge ask me to give noting and after that along with the noting i submitted the copy of Judgement s to the concern bench.

My question is when order is reserved then during the preparation of judgement for the case does the Hon'ble Judges will go through the entire pleading and judgments or they will only complete the judgment on the argument point whaether they will consider my judgements and contention raised and will they discuss the judgement in the my case or not.
Shantilal Pandya (Expert) 13 May 2013
The case is pending until the judgement is singed by the judge, judge is under an obligation to consider your authorities subject to the costs being paid to the other side for delayed submission of authorizes, the judge has to deliver the judgement according to law and justice and should care to to see that the judgement is free from legal errors.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal (Expert) 13 May 2013
Yes ,court will pass the judgment after going through entire pleadings,evidence and law.Dono't worry.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 14 May 2013
No more to add in the given replies.

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