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Outstanding against private ltd. company

(Querist) 08 February 2014 This query is : Resolved 
Respected senior,

One of my client sold some goods to private limited company on credit basis,after repeated request made by my client said company were not responding,then i have issued a legal notice to said company and their directors, in that connection some of directors replied that the said company took over and hence not responsible for the same as it was the earlier dues. Now please suggest some other remedy than Summary Suit.
Prithvi Raj Sikka (Expert) 08 February 2014
Give details whether you had received purchase order and bills were duly acknowledged for supply of goods. What is your business and structure of your firm.

prithvi raj sikka Advocate
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 09 February 2014
Obtain details of taking over company, serve another notice and file suit for recovery on the basis of goods supplied, recieved by the company and supply of "C" form issued by previous complany merged with new one.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 09 February 2014
Except suit no other remedy can be there for facts stated.

If the previous co. has been acquired by present company then it would be deemed in law to have taken all it's assets and liabilities and suit subject to law of limitation shall lie against the present co. for dues and liability of the acquired company.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 10 February 2014
Yes subject to law of limitations, a suit for recovery of money from the company will be maintainable and appears to be the only best solution.
bhavin (Querist) 18 February 2014
Thank u all

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