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Overnight stay of guest at apartment

(Querist) 10 November 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Can anybody tell me whether apartment association have the rights to decide who should stay in my apartment overnight? I want to keep my carpenters overnight stay for 20 days to complete my house interior work. Whether assoc. have any laws to prevent owners rights regarding rights of admission inside the flats?


R.K Nanda (Expert) 10 November 2013
depends on terms of association.
Rajat Bindal 09917149977 (Expert) 10 November 2013
Though you have absolute right to decide who can stay in your flat, but the ass. have right to ask you not to carry work in night. They can also interfere if any nuisance is caused.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 10 November 2013
I am sorry. He never said the carpenters will work overnight. He is only providing shelter to his labour.

He has not disclosed full facts of the case.

He has also not disclosed provisions of the Constitution of the society/RWA.

He has also not disclosed if any resolution ha been passed by the RWA.

He has not disclosed which city he is talking about.

Therefore I do not wish to add my views at this stage.
Arul Antony (Querist) 10 November 2013

i am living in chennai.

I am asking my carpenters to stay in my flat and carryout interior works as per the day time association permits.
Assoc is not allowing my carpenter's overnight stay in my flat eventhough they are from outstation. I have given declaration regarding total responsibility of their action for any mis happenings.

I just taken the possession of flat week back and sure i will ask the resolution passed by RWA if any. (i have doubt not even 1/4 of the apts handed over to owners and assoc is a interim one or full fledged one)
Any way whether as a owner can i have the right to keep the people's i wish or i have to obey as per the assoc. Whether in future the assoc. will come come & tell me that you should not keep this or that?

Thanks lot for your valuable answers.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 10 November 2013
Association can prevent entry of unwanted person in the complex. It has no right to prevent any guest / visitors to visit or stay if permitted by the occupant till other occupants lodge a complaint about him for creation of nuisance or otherwise prevented by the bye laws of society if any.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 10 November 2013
So it appears that Association is not even registered and they may not be having any Constitution. You better ring up 100 if anyone interferes in your plan.

You may at the most fill police verification form of the Carpenter employed.

In case you do not assert they may even object to the maids' entry.

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