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Parking in chs

(Querist) 24 November 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Some vehicles being parked in a Co-operative Housing Society appear not to be owned by the Registered members of the Society. How can a member ask for the registered owners of the vehicles parked in the society/stilt from the managing Committee ?
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 24 November 2012
Managing Committee may pass a resolution to that effect in the presence of the general house and then implement its decision.
ajay sethi (Expert) 24 November 2012
mangaing committee must have passed reolsution for allotment of car parking slots in the name of members . if member has been alloted a slot he can park his vehicle in the said slot . you are saying that member has permitted parking of vehicle in hie slot and the said car does not belong to said member .

raise the issue in mangaing committee . if no acyoion is taken in th e AGM
V R SHROFF (Expert) 24 November 2012
Member cannot sublet his parking slot. It is meant for his personal use or his family members residing with him in the flat. No one else.
sachendra (Querist) 25 November 2012
Thanks to Mr.Makkad,Mr.Sethi and Mr.Shroff for their opinions.
1. If most members have stilt parking (68 out of 96) , they will not allow any resolution on stilt parking to pass through in AGM.
2. Those who own stilts, misuse it for renting out to select few.
3. There has to be a law for verification of car ownership, like he tpolice verification for tenants is a must.
4. What are the standard charges for stilt and open parking in a society ?
5.What is the remedy if the managing committee states inot its responsibility to check each and every car.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 25 November 2012
Usually Society demand RC Book, to verify the Car Owner, and on Application to allow the car parking, issue instructions to ecurity to allow it in Society compound, with a permanent sticker inside Car Front Glass , with Society Name. , and a Number if necessary.
It is on yearly basis, only to members and authorised resident in complex.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 25 November 2012
Stilt parking is neither meant for sale or rent nor can it be misused and if any member does such type of activities then make a complaint with joint registrar.
sachendra (Querist) 28 November 2012
Thanks Mr. Shroff and Mr.Makkad.
Is it not possible to bring the problem to the notice of law enforcing agencies to check the cars parked in a Society Premises so that the managing committee is forced to take strict action against erring members?
Can a car in the name of a daughter-in-law or son-in-law be parked in the stilt/open parking space ?

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