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Partion of a house among 7 members.

(Querist) 20 March 2012 This query is : Resolved 
my house is having 7 parts. allthe 7 parts having a coman area of 2 cents area for using latrine and well water. if i have 5 parts in that house am i eligible to get 5 by 7 of vacant area? again the balance 2 parts are to be divided by 7 including me. am i now eligible to get 2 cents vacant area divided by 6 by 12 =1 cent totally? other share holders are saying that i will get only 1 share of vacant land. please tell my exact share in that house. thanks
ajay sethi (Expert) 20 March 2012
how do you have 5 parts of the house?

have you bought the 5 parts of the house?

in case of division all 7 members will have equal shares . merely because 5 parts are in your posession dosent give tyyou any rights for 5 parts in partition
gbbalakrishnan (Querist) 20 March 2012
yes i have bought 5 parts. the balence was with my sister . she gave back to 7 members to share again. pl.tell me now how much i should get? all of us want to sell the same. except 1 party wants her portion to be donated to a temple. how we can proceed the sale?
ajay sethi (Expert) 20 March 2012
you already have 5 parts of the house. the balance 2 shares have been renounced by your sister . i would depend upon her wishes whom she wants her shares to be given to . since you already have 5 parts do not claim any share i balance to maintain relations with your family members
gbbalakrishnan (Querist) 20 March 2012
please read my qurry if we wanto sell the same. all are ready to sell except 1 party who wants to donate 1 share to a temple. in that case what is my share while selling to a third party.?
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 20 March 2012
The one share which is proposed to be donated in favour of the temple shall remain unsold and balance entire share can be sold out as all other co-sharers are ready for that. Divide the proceeds of sale as per share.
gbbalakrishnan (Querist) 20 March 2012
i request the expert mr. raj kumar makkad to inform my share in that house. i bought 5 parts and also i have share in the rest 2 parts that is 1 by seven . tha vacant land is of 2 cents in area. thanks.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 20 March 2012
Tell clearly one more time about ur auery
SAINATH DEVALLA (Expert) 20 March 2012

You have purchased 5 parts out of the seven.Your part includes in the 5 or 7.How are you a shareholder in the other 2 parts? Do you expect a share in the area where the toilet and the well are located? You can't because it is a common area,which is to be utilised by all the inmates of the total 7 parts.You can't expect the one cent area.You will be the master only if you buy the other 2 parts minus your share.
ESTHERPRIYA (Expert) 21 March 2012
Totally 7 parts out of which is 2 cents is common area and 5 parts is owned by you. You have bough remaining 5 parts then you might be the owner for all the 7 parts as the 2 parts is the common area for the 5 parts of the property.
gbbalakrishnan (Querist) 13 May 2012
iam very sorry .to ask you again. nobody is objecting my 5 parts.[4cents] 2 parts are to be shared by 7 persons[1.4 cents] including me. all are ready to sell the property to a 3rd person. the vacant portion and the pathway is [2.1 cents] what is my total share in tha house.? since iam having more shares 5 parts out of 7 parts of the house. am i to get [4+1.5+0.2]=5.7 cents? please claryfy. thanks

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