partion of property
Abhishek Thakur
(Querist) 27 February 2009
This query is : Resolved
there is a guy who is hindu and is adopted by muslim now he wanted to marry a hindu garl and he changed his religion to hindu and got married and had a son and a daugter later his wife died and he again converted to muslim and again got married now he again had 3 sons so how we r going to divide his property and his former children will have the same right ?
(Expert) 27 February 2009
childrens of first marriage has right to the property of the father. his conversion to islam does not prohibit the right to claim. even illegitimate children also can claim.
(Expert) 27 February 2009
I agree with views of my learned friends.
(Expert) 07 March 2009
mere conversion of religion, one can not cease the right to inherit the property from their father, by the hindu children along with muslim children.
Hiralal Das
(Expert) 05 April 2009
I do agree with the valuable opinions of the learned members. Thanks all of you.