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Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 08 July 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Hello everyone.. Iam harsha.. MY father has expired( ten years back) at my childhood. My father is youngest of his family. My father had four brothers. My father had a ancestral property acquired from his grandparents. Which is situated in city ( valuable) to an extent of 2000 square yards But the joint property was not disposed among my father and his brothers. My father was active and his elder brother(first brother) is very cunning and wants to posses total property. Unfortunately my father has died due to health problems. The whole property is empty land and one of my step father constructed a house in a empty land without any partition staying since many years he got municipal corporation house number and electricity and paying water and house taxes.but we are not affordable to construct a house. We were willing to sell our share ( my father's share) but my first step father.,.second step father,, third step father,, fourth step father are against to us. But no party is ready to buy the land without the signatures of these parties . 7 years back My step fathers .took a signature of my mother on a empty paper( my mother is ignorant) and sold the 500 square yards to a party. MY mother is ignorant, and aware of selling land. After 2 years the matter came into light..since that the land was not registered officially When we asked that matter.. MY first step father told me that.. The sold land was a " jyashta bagam" to him. And the remaining land will be partitioned equally. We too accepted this and later registered the sold property to the buyer with (My mother and me) and along with my four step fathers.
But now we want to sell my father's share ( which Is not defined) but my four step fathers are not Co operating with us to sell. What should I do.
Can anyone suggest me.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 08 July 2016
No reply to aq.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 08 July 2016
AQ,NO reply.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 09 July 2016
No reply to query from anonymous author.

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