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patta land passbook conflict

(Querist) 28 June 2009 This query is : Resolved 
i am frm andhra pradesh,my grand father purchased a agriculture land in his name in 1978 later he died in 1985,his wife died in 1990 he did not made any will

he had one son and two DAUGHTERS

after my gf ,son applied for patta land passbook and got land passbook in his name .son died in 2004 now the passbook tranferred to his (son)wife name

my question
1)the name in patta land passook made he/she owner of the property
2) if DAUGHTERS goes to court it is eligible or not
M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Expert) 28 June 2009
As far patta is concerned it has evidentiary value to prove possession of land by he or she.
Mere patta does not confer absolute title, in contra if anyone has document, then one can make an appeal for cancelling patta wrongly issued based on the document.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 29 June 2009
In Ap the Pattedar Pass Books are issued under AP Rights in land and pattedar Pass Books Act 1971 . It is Title Deed Book and Pattedar pass Book - these are treated as valid Title deeds for creation of Mortgage in Bank Agri Loans .

Prima facie the Holder of the Title & Pattedar Pass Book is the owner and possessor of the proerty - unless otherwise proved

In this case the Father and son are only the male person in the family - fahter died in the year 1984 - only one son - the amended Act 1984/1985 and 2005 have to be applied !

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