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Pay fixation after technical resignation

(Querist) 31 July 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Sir , I was working as Agricultural Officer , Agri Dept, govt of Goa in pay scale 9300-34800 + 4200 GP, i applied for the post of Asst Conservator of Forest, Govt of Goa through proper channel and was appointed as ACF by State public Service Commission with a pecial mention of Pay protection, thereafter i technically resigned as Agril Officer and joined as ACF in May ,2012 in pay scale of 9300-34800 + 4600 GP. Kindly help me to know the provisions of rules under which my pay fixation can be done as my basic pay as Agril officer was 14630 + 4200 GP and now i am in 4600 GP. My accounts secretariat has not given me my due increment for july 2012 . and i have been fixed on 14630 + 4600 pay itself . kindly advise me in this matter .what will be may pay fixation , am i not entitled for increment in july, 2012, what are rules under which fixation can be done under such circumstances.?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 05 August 2012
I believe Goa will have identical rules as that of centre as it was earlier UT. In central Govt in such cases the pay is fixed as if one get promotion to higher post.

In case your representation is not redressed, you have a right to treat it as penal interpretation of rules and have right to Appeal to the Appellate Authority [generally authority higher than appointing authority if no authority has been notified] for the post of ACF.

Then you can also approach Goa Admn Tribunal (High Court if Tribunal is not functioning)

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