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Pay protection in r/o central government employees on deput

(Querist) 01 November 2017 This query is : Resolved 
Sir Iam working as postal assistant since 2011,june under pay of 30500(2400 gp) under level4 as per 7thcpc.Recently i heard a news in which deputation from other central govt department having 4200 gradepay {at delhi(my ambition to join Civil Service might be achieved @delhi with God's grace)} with identical payscale or with service of 5yr. Under grade pay 2400 under any cg dept.with service oriented field. Now i jus want to know abt the pros n cons to me to go on deputation or to go on Departmental examination tobe held every year, which gives a grade pay of 4600/_ as per 7cpc.
My advantages shall be specified in detail on going to deputation of 3years...
-Pay after retension to original parent department
-increments on deputation
-Positivity and negativity by utilizing this deputation

- to stay in this department.
Sir i would be ever grateful if any one helps me in clarification of my doubt in r/o revised pay rules and 7th pay commission and other factors in consideration.
Thanks and regards, in advance
S Suresh Kumar,
Nandyal, kurnool district,
A. P.
ramesh (Expert) 01 November 2017
You will have to go through the deputation conditions before accepting the post in GP₹4600/-.
Your lean will be maintained in your parent department, and will have to take back the position as per your seniority list, on repatriation.
If you are sure of getting GP ₹4600/- in your parent department, because of its permanency nature it has edge over deputation.

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