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Payment of gratuity - request - reg.

(Querist) 08 July 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Sirs,

I had served in private sector for 17 years. Against resignation, I had received gratuity for the period of service rendered. Later I served in one another NGO Cause for five years, without any application from my end, the management was kind enough to pay Gratuity for the period of service rendered for.

At the age of 55 years, I had joined with another NGO, Registered Public Charitable Trust Hospital, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh where I had served from 19th April, 2010 to 3rd June, 2016. After a lapse of 15 days, against repeated requests, on 18th June, 2016, the management has settled the following:

1.Relieving letter from the services of the organisation.
2.Experience certificate for the period of service (with good words)
3.Full & Final settlement statement indicating payment for the number of working days worked in June, 2016 and earned leave to my credit by way of cash payment.

Subsequently, as directed, I had submitted Form–I, application for payment of Gratuity payable by the employer. In reply to, the management has not considered my request for payment stating thereof on the grounds of “post retirement service” I am not entitled for the same, thus question of Payment of Gratuity doesn’t arise.

In conclusion, optimistically looking forward direction, the Honourable may kindly be looked into the matter and advice entitlement of Gratuity Payable for period worked that will helps me to sound enough financially at this point of age for which act of kindness, I shall ever grateful and thankful to one and all.

Best regards,
K.Suryanarayana Murthy
Kumar Doab (Expert) 08 July 2016
You have posted that:

"In reply to, the management has not considered my request for payment stating thereof on the grounds of “post retirement service” I am not entitled for the same, thus question of Payment of Gratuity doesn’t arise. "

Is this reply in writing?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 08 July 2016
Is this the same matter posted by you in the following thread:
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 08 July 2016
No reply if query repeated.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 08 July 2016
Repeated query.
KHS (Querist) 08 July 2016
Respected Sir,

Thanks for the reply.

This is the same query I had placed earlier for your invaluable suggestions.

Best regards,

K.Suryanarayana Murthy
Kumar Doab (Expert) 08 July 2016
I had asked you 'Is this the same matter '?

You have not confirmed 'Is the above mentioned reply of management in writing'?

You may even confirm in other thread mentioned above.

We will try to support.
Vijayarajan (Expert) 08 July 2016
You are eligible for getting Gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act. You may approach the Controlling Authority if the employer refuse to pay the same.
KHS (Querist) 09 July 2016

Thanks for the reply.

In reply, I hereby confirm "this is the same matter which I had placed for your valuable suggestion in the recent past".

Now, the management has not been replied to the duly filled in Form-1 submitted for payment of gratuity on 18th June, 2016, and trying to avoid payment through verbal communication stating that I am not entitled on the ground of post-retirement service and so on. May kindly be advised.

Best regards,

KS Murthy
Kumar Doab (Expert) 09 July 2016
Author @ KHS,

>>> In other thread it has been suggested that claimant may record (audio/visual/minuted/witnessed) the contentions and tantrums of employer/attorney's of employer.

Did you record?

>>> In this thread it has been suggested that you may continue in other thread.

You may post in other (above mentioned) thread.

>>> YOU had initiated many threads and it was suggested to continue in one thread.

>>> You may continue in above mentioned and illustrated thread.

Certainly a very able counsel can advise you further and help you.

You can engage a very able counsel.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 09 July 2016
Instead the author has initiated another new thread at:

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