PCR Dissmissed court without providing legal aiapplicatio

Querist :
(Querist) 22 April 2018
This query is : Resolved
My husband was killed by A being abetted by others in public place 0n 31.12.16. The abetted killer was surrender himself and inform police.Police have not recorded the First information of accused instead while in mortuary the police took signature of me and filed FIR .The police despite written information are not investigating .My husband has filed PCR in 2016 against the killer 2advocates & on police for recording false b report .He has also filed application for permission for prosecution u/s 197 crpc to Karnataka state government on 16.12.2016. I am under suspicion of police also behind this conspired murder.The alleged police are transferred but no enquiry on them.The PCR filed by husband is also dissmissed.I have applied for legal aid which is entered in order sheet prior to dissmissal.The perpeterators of murder crime are threatning me not to appeal.I am a widow. What to do to avail justice. Court is also in favour of advocate .
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 24 April 2018
Get filed a Writ of Mandamus in Highcourt seeking directions to the police to complete investigation fast and file charge sheet against the accused also issue PCR to you as your husband was Victim and not accused. PCR clears your husband's name from complicity in the crime.