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pending aprtment declaration/registration in maharashtra

(Querist) 05 June 2009 This query is : Resolved 
the case:-A)landlady+share holder of Plot{10}owners regd.society.gave her ppty.for development on devmnt rights{rs.20/notarised stamp ppr in yr.1992],terms:-free 1200sq.ft.flat in newly constructed bldg. at site+compansation in cash.remainning flats to be sold by the devper.No sale agrmnt. only possession letter{rs.10/} is there .B}other 12 flats sold to outsiders on agrmnt. for sale-stamp duty rgstration done on agrmnt.value{sale value is same}.possession in 1993.C]apartmnt declaration/regstration pendding for last 14yrs. developer says it cannot be done for absense of agrmnt. for sale/sale deed with landlady.why other 12 should
sufer because no fault of theirs ? kindly guide;only by legal experts. this is in Nashik maharashtra.
A V Vishal (Expert) 05 June 2009
Dear Ajit

Can you kindly express and put your query in a more clear and understanding manner.
Uma parameswaran (Expert) 05 June 2009
I am also having the same opinion as Vishalji .
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 05 June 2009
The Land lady gave the proeprty for Development and took one Flat and some caash in consideration of her proerty and that there is no Regd Deed in her name for the Flat , the other Flat purchasers have Registered Deeds in their names , but for the land lady Flat Regd Deed the Apartments declaration and Registration is pending.I Think that for the entire land there is Regd Deed/s in the name of Land Lady, that Regd Deed/s to the extent of her takne over Flat , is valid . The same can be used as Deed of the Land lady flat, for dclaration and Registration of Apartments !

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