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personal loan

(Querist) 14 June 2015 This query is : Resolved 
I taken personal loan long back. Total 48 months emi. I cleared almost 30emis. But now finacial position is very bab. If i not paid next 6months what types of probles i will face . Pls advice me what to do. Bank persons called me and talking harshly.
ADV-JEEVAN PATIL, MUMBAI (Expert) 14 June 2015
Do not worry. Request for deferred installment. Or contact to me 9869400938

Gagandeep Goel (Expert) 15 June 2015
No issues..
Only Civil case can b institituted legally..

Gagandeep Goel
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 15 June 2015
It is always advisable to have good credit score / credit history by paying installments in time. Arrange money and try to regularize the account.

If you are unable to pay, it would not be possible for you to regularize the position with due installments + panel interest + penalty + legal expenses afterwards.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 15 June 2015
If you have borrowed for some purpose then limit the spending for that purpose only and pay back in time to maintain your that if the need be you can borrow again.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 15 June 2015
any PDC given
Rajinder KumarAhuja9990725300 (Expert) 15 June 2015
A few facts must be disclosed first. Loan from which bank,purpose of loan as disclosed in the application form and security given by you at the time of taking loan. In most of the cases it is always advisable to protect your credit score first.Being an ex-banker,free advise can be availed over the phone.
SAINATH DEVALLA (Expert) 18 June 2015
Bank Officials will not trouble U but the Private Recovery Agencies will be at UR doorstep at 7am daily for a cup of coffee.Once U commit UR self with them then its UR funeral daily.Hence better approach the bank directly and go for a settlement which will certainly be considered with waiver of penalties.If U differ then UR daily routine starts.

As U have cleared nearly 60 to 70% of the loan,U R not a wilfull defaulter,hence the the bank will certainly consider .

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