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Physical relation

(Querist) 09 July 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Sir, just to take divorce with me my husband blamed that there was no physical relation between us and this is totally false. I married to him last year in Feb and at that time I was studying in other state upto Dec. So I could not able to stay much time with him . only 7 days just after marriage and 15 days in Dec wen I went his home after completing my study. But we strongly involved physically in this stipulated time too.
And apart from this I had 7 year long relationship (affair) with my husband in that too we involved physically.
Then what is the fate of his allegation and how i can prove this
R.K Nanda (Expert) 09 July 2016
Repeated query.
R.K Nanda (Expert) 09 July 2016
Repeated query.
Guest (Expert) 09 July 2016
Is it your real problem or an academic query, as you talk about marriage in Feb last year and physical relations for 7 years?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 09 July 2016
Repeated Query.

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 09 July 2016
No reply if query repeated.
Shilpi gupta (Querist) 09 July 2016
Dhingra Sir,this is not an academic query. My husband blamed me for not having physical relation with him so he wants a divorce which is absolutely wrong allegation we do have physical relations after marriage.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 10 July 2016
Point noticed by Mr Dhingra still remains unanswered
Shilpi gupta (Querist) 10 July 2016
Sir I meant 7 yr relationship before marriage and 1 and half yr after marriage then how can he convey wrong information to the court. What is the rationality behind this.
Guest (Expert) 10 July 2016
Ms. Shilpi,

Being not interested in raising any controversy here, as I don't want to put an odd question here for you. Rather, I would like to advise you to seek advice from your own lawyer, as I still feel that yours is nothing except an academic query.

The question arises has your husband actually filed a divorce case or just threatening to give divorce? If already filed, you would already have hired services of a lwyer to fight the case. So, what is his opinion that you have not mentioned. If not yet hired, is there any specific reason for not doing so? Also, are you still residing in the same house along with him or living separately and for how much period? If separated, the background of your separation, etc. There are several such questions that you would be required to answer even to your own lawyer to make the issue clear for formaing any appropriate opinion.

Moreover that also depends, how your husband proves that he did not have any physical relationship with you or how you establich that to prove him wrong, which I hope you would not like to mention here as to how on your part.

So, better consult your own lawyer and if still some doubt arises in your mind, only then come to this forum, as to why you were not in agreement with your own lawyer's opinion.
Shilpi gupta (Querist) 09 August 2016
Dhingara sir, my husband already filed divorce case .
and my lawyer advised me that on the behalf of previous relationship evidence (before marriage),it could be proved that we did have physically involved after marriage too. Is it sufficient or else Wat can I do.
And sir ur ques that how my husband will prove? ?? So he stated that I was making excuses of stomach pain and physical ailment for not involving physically .....
I am living alone since 7 months because husband and in laws have not allowed me to stay in their house.
One hearing has been over and nothing was happened , only I have submitted my objection.
But I scared of losing him so I enquired here also.
What are the possibilities in this case.
Guest (Expert) 09 August 2016
Your statement is not so convincing. Better follow the advice of your own lawyer.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 09 August 2016
Agreed with experts.

Your own lawyer is advising you.

Medical Doctor can establish physical relationship.

Forensic experts can also establish.

Remember Monica Lewinsky matter.
Shilpi gupta (Querist) 09 August 2016
Thank you sir

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