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Please i need help .... help me . i am cheated and my wife is having an other man in usa

(Querist) 18 December 2013 This query is : Resolved 
hi ,my name is markes .
i had met a girl 4y ago . when she met me the first day she said she loves me wants to marry me , and in 2 weeks she said she is going to USA and she will newer forget me , after she went there she use to to call me every day , atleast for a 2 year to marry me .
finally i gave up and said yes i will , BUT she had a condition that she will only get married in the court , i said no i will not , marriage will happen in the church, she said yes she will in front of my and her family , but for now she wants the marriage certificate from the court because she has some paper work . for she need it for some filing that she has to do for me .. my family denied and me too. but she convinced me and my family , that she will marry traditionally once we get her married to me in the court . we agreed for she was really looking genuine in saying it . she said she always use to say she needs court certificate and pictures of us together for she has some paper work in USA for me . and finally we got married in the court . her family and my family was there in the court as witness for it . that day was the biggest mistake of my life . it was 05/10/2011 . and she went to USA , and till date she did not come back . she use to fight with me for every reason, avoiding my calls .and started saying she will never come to india and she no longer wants me .cos her work is done and she is an NRI now .... and from last 1 y she has blocked me on all social web site. blocked my calls changed her address in USA . i tried to call her mom in usa, she says search her if u can , and her family in india say we don't know any thing dont come to us . i don't know what to do now and where to go . recently i found out that she is in a relationship with some man , my friend informed me and sent me PICTURES of her with an other man with whom she is in relation with being cosy and very comfortable . i feel cheated and for marriage and for she having an extramarital affair .... PLEASE I NEED HELP .... HELP ME . I AM CHEATED AND MY WIFE IS HAVING AN OTHER MAN . in a country where i cant go or even do any thing to her .. HELP
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 18 December 2013
what do you want
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 19 December 2013
If your wife has deserted you by refusing to come back and if you have prima facie evidence of her cohabitation with another man in USA, then file a suit for divorce in India unless you are ready to condone her and accept her whenever she decides to come back to you.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 19 December 2013
Strange, she said first day she loves You wants to marry you. and you proceeded. It was not a movie in which director has to show all events in limited time and such events are general.

Gather proofs about her extramarital relations and file suit for divorce.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 19 December 2013
This is one way of getting benefits illegally in a foreign soil as per the prevailing law of that land to marry some one for the namesake, get the marriage certificate and avail of the benefits based on such facility, this type of fraudulent acts are not new, it was the fault of the author for hurrying up his marriage on some passions/compulsions without verifying the entire details, veracity, authenticity, antecedents of the girl who proposed the subject issue. However, instead of repenting or lamenting over the past mistakes, it is better to file a divorce case on the grounds of desertion, non-cohabitation and mental cruelty due to frauds played upon in the name of marriage and fled away.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 19 December 2013
Game of Marriage: Play it.

Instead of jumping in well at the most, where we can help, , u jumped in ocean.

Divorce not so easy..u need to go usa to hv cong rt.
MARKES FRANCES (Querist) 19 December 2013
Mr.T. Kalaiselvan YOU Got It Exactly right , this is exactly what i feel is happened to me . and her cousin brother has told me that she must have done it for the same reason to get the marriage certificate and avail of the benefits based on such facility . sir what should be the next step . and all the people who came forward to help me i thank u . and ur advice is appreciated , help me in order to take the next step . now for the frauds played upon in the name of marriage . and the money that was invested in all of it . and for the precious 5 years OF MY LIFE and my money that is wasted because of her fraudulent thought ,witch i will never get back .. WHAT is next step .
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 19 December 2013
You have no remedy for the alleged ' fraud' except to apply for divorce.
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 20 December 2013
Unfortunate. You should engage a good local advocate for filing divorce petition.
MARKES FRANCES (Querist) 24 December 2013
Sir I am From MuMbai :suggest the name of lawyer of this location :who i can get in touch . to help ,
And thank u for taking the initiative to help people like us who have no knowledge about the law ,UR HELP IS APPRECIATED
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 24 December 2013
Search LCI data base or visit local court to search some lawyer suitable to your need.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 24 December 2013
Foreign Tourist??
Repeated after 2 yrs..
MARKES FRANCES (Querist) 24 December 2013
Mr :V R SHROFF : i dint understand what u trying to say , but still if u can help me it is need at this time :
V R SHROFF (Expert) 23 January 2014
file Divorce petition in bandra family court.. for Mumbai Juris (Expert) 26 June 2014
dear Marks ...
You need to file divorce petition in India it self ....

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