Plot takenunder ulc act
Sudhir U Bandekar
(Querist) 28 February 2016
This query is : Resolved
OUR SOCIETY PLOT WAS TAKEN BY state of maharashtra on 14 11 2006 under ULC ACT. the land was in societys possession on 29 11 2009 when ULC ACT WAS REPEALED. our conveyance was done in 1973 and registered but our societys name did not appear on revenue records.we went to High Court against the said order of the government and got the order in our favour. then maharashtra government filed SLP in supreme court against it was dismissed by the court.
now we want to get our societys name on revenue records, what is the procedure for it and time period for getting the society name on revenue record.
please guide us.
P. Venu
(Expert) 29 February 2016
You can approach the revenue authorities concerned, failing which action could be initiated under Contempt of Courts Act.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 01 March 2016
Write to concerned authorities for doing the needful, failing to act, file contempt.