Police officers demanding bribes
Swarna kamal Chandra
(Querist) 23 December 2013
This query is : Resolved
I was arrested on 15th November 2013 u/s 461/381 IPC by Kolkata Police from my jewellery shop. Some police officer came to my shop along with a person, said that he was a burglar and told him to declare that he has sold some stolen jewellery to me a few days ago at around 10.30 a.m in the morning. I said to the officers that I dont know the person and I never open my shop at 10.30 a.m, even not in the day time because of the illness of my business. I even requested the officers to enquire the truth in the local area. I used to open my shop at around 6 p.m and closes at around 8.30 p.m. The officers then ordered me to came with them at police station where they arrested me, calling my wife continously to her mobile phone, demanding to bring them some jewellery articles otherwise they would harass me and would keep me in their remand for long time. The next day I was produced before the magistrate and I was kept in police custody for investigation till 20th November 2013. They continously forced me to call my wife demanding the jewelleries. I and my wife denied to gave them the jewelleries as I niether had not bought any theft jewellery articles from anyone nor even I know that burglar. Fortunately I was released on 20th December 2013 and I was warned by the police officers that they will again harrass me along with the other police station and even with the Detective Department, Lalbazar, Kolkata.
In the above context, I need a permanent legal remedy as I am ready to face any sort of verbal, chemical, biological, electronical, if any, investigation by any agency at any time. If I proved that I
was innocent, what judgement should I got and what will be the maximum punishment should I demand from the court ? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Advocate M.Bhadra
(Expert) 23 December 2013
If you are innocent then you can file an application u/sec.482 Cr.P.C.in High Court for quashing the FIR.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 23 December 2013
You seem to have been wrongly implicated in this case.
Without seeing the content of the FIR, further advice is ahrd to be given.

(Expert) 23 December 2013
It is almost a common thing happening thro'out.Are you not member of Jewellers Association.Why are they keeping silent,Tomorrow the same would happen to them also.While taking legal steps as advised above ask your Association to arrive at a permanent solution for this by meeting the DGP of Police and conducting a Protest for this.Also consult a good lawyer
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 23 December 2013
This is general trend of police almost all parts of country.
You may meet higher police officers and local as well as state level jewelers association.
Legally you can defend the case against you.
Swarna kamal Chandra
(Querist) 29 December 2013
I contact the local jewellery association and told them what was happened. They assured me that they will look after the matter but I need a permanent remedy and punishment of the police officers. What is the maximum punishment is permissible in the judicial system?
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 29 December 2013
Thousands of innocent person are booked by the police every year but due to the powers enjoyed by police officials hardly any action was taken against them.
No permanent solution till system changes. however you must try so that the culprit is punished.

(Expert) 29 December 2013
The police would claim that they had conducted the enquiry based on the statements of the accused.There is no permanent remedy and your associations should take the precautions by meeting DGP and other top people.