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Possibilities of legal actions against me

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 18 November 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Hello experts,

My girlfriend 22yrs old has become pregnant and is currently in 7th month. She can't get abortion now. Our parents are very angry with this and don't support us.

We even dont want to marry right now as we are studying yet and our carriers and whole life is on line. I am 21 yrs old. What consequences could I face in case they approach police and forcefully try to get us married.

And most importantly my question is -
Is it a crime under any law to make a girl pregnant without marriage.
Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
Anonymous Will be Behind Bars Soon.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 18 November 2016
Which act and which section supports ur statement sir - Mr. N. J. S rajpura alia narasimha
Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
Your behaviour will certainly lead you behind bars.

In Such case don't expect Bail , You may first easily spent 5-6 months inside.

Then pendency of legal proceeding in Court you will not get any Govt. Job even if you stood first in competitive exam.

You will be rejected on grounds that criminal proceedings are going in court. Showing series of rules and SC judgement .

Now abortion also can not take place medically as well as legally.

Best solution is to marry or face further consequence .

Grow up !!!!!!! Before you reach behind bars.

Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
Let the Girls Parents Contact Me I would advise them to file A Police Complaint against you and Your Parents that after Making the Innocent Girl Pregnant giving her False Promises and Hopes and Obviously Now your/Boy's Parents are Demanding Huge Money/Jewels as dowry.Your self and Your Parents would serve a Happy Holidays in Near by Prison.Ask the Girl's Parents to Post Here.
Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
Experts=Normally we dont Entertain Anonymous queries but I am Sorry that I Felt Like Posting It.
Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016

One Law officer of Police Dept. , told me in police station people like you if they are in their custody Police officers really hit or hammer accused same way they show on TV.

Accused are literally screaming sometimes.

Be prepared for all this mentally now if you running from Marriage
Kumar Doab (Expert) 18 November 2016
AQ,NO reply.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 18 November 2016
No reply to query from anonymous author.

You can post the query in fresh thread with your identity and material facts.
Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
Any possibility can be there depending upon the nature of complaint, if made. But, it would have been better to read your own girl friend's mind to know about the possibility of any proposed legal action, as none of the members can know what can be there in the mind of the girl or her parents.

About your query, "Is it a crime under any law to make a girl pregnant without marriage," my questions are --

- Whether you made her pregnant with a promise to her for marriage or not?

- Also, whether she has or does not have any objection to bear the child readily without any objection to your not agreeing for marriage with her?

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 18 November 2016
@Sir, P. S dhingra -
I have never given her a promise to marry her.. It was all clear from start..

And she doesn't have any objection to bear the child without my agreement with her to marriage..
The only problem can be their parents..
She won't personally file a complaint against me in any case... But I don't take any guarantee of her relatives..
Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
Criminal law can be set in motion by anyone.

Secondly, Investigative officers can eventually file any kind of FIR and Chargesheet including Rape.

The case will be very strong against you .

IO generally will take stand his job is to do an investigation and send the report (Charge sheet) to Court and Court will determine whether it was Rape or Mutual consent .


Rather I feel if girls parents are insisting on marriage they are indeed saving you from big trouble legally .

Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
Why dont you Come out with your Identity.Name and address If Possible the Girl's side address also.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 18 November 2016
Agreed with Mr. Rajendra K Goyal, Mr.N.J.S.Rajkumar.

Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 18 November 2016
Better to ignore if any one raised query without identity
Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
This person is afraid his name may be spoiled so he is hiding his identity.

He is not worried about his parents nor about that girls parents.

He is neither worried about child which is going to take birth.

Now he suddenly realised that he wants to concentrate on career and not interested in marrying rather searching ways to run away from taking marriage responsibility .

Most imp thing he wants to know all law which can put him behind bars. etc.

But he does not know the fact to get Bail in such matter Advocate don't appear free and cost is exhobent for such cases.

Here we are advising him free in the interest of that new child who is going to see this beautiful world.

He and his GF have made big mistake


To conclude I give last suggestion after that I won't post in this tread.

You had sex privately , now you marry privately in front of close family members . Immediately get marriage registration done (If Hindu after 7 rounds just registration is formality you can do immediately . This whole formality can end in day ) so documents are cleared .

There is no need to inform the world for gigantic party but legally you will be wedfull husband and wife and other things will be sorted out eventually without much problem .

Rather tomorrow itself talk to parents and get it done.


I won't post on this topic again

Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
Thanks Senior Expert Mr.Kumar Doab Ji.
Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
A Good and Deserving Advise by Expert /Advocate Ms.Madhu
Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
A Perfect Opinion Of Expert Mr.Sankar Narayanan.I do agree It Is My Mistake.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 18 November 2016
Once again agreed with Mr.N.J.S.Rajkumar.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 18 November 2016
Mr. Madhu has expressed everything that was to be stated in such case.

Although the query is by anonymous.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 18 November 2016
Mr. Madhu,

Your posts are straight forward, detailed, illustrated, touches the legalities, and laced with flavors of developed common sense.

I wish you all the very best.

Guest (Expert) 18 November 2016
Is there any specific reason for you not to marry with the girl? If both are adults, better make court marriage to avoid any criminal case against you, as the girl can at any time be influenced by her parents.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 19 November 2016
I do not participate in a thread where the author is anonymous.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 19 November 2016
Thank you Sri Rajkumar
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 19 November 2016
Agree with the expert Devajyoti Barman.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 19 November 2016
Agreed with the expert Mr. Devajyoti Barman.
H.M.Patnaik (Expert) 19 November 2016
Having being educated enough and ataining adulthood both of you have to take your own decision without being influenced negatively by parents and friends.

Once the matter has developed into such a state you cannot backtrack at this stage.Be bold enough and take a very informed decision to atone for all that has happened without harming career prospects.
J K Agrawal (Expert) 20 November 2016
The question is if a boy and a girl, not married, conceive a child, is it offence?

The answer is No offence made out.

Dear all experts Please let me know and understand that in which section the police can book him unless some wrong and false facts not added. It is not a rape. It is not Cheating. No offence is made out in your case unless the advocate do not convert it in Rape.

The abortion is offense and you both may be liable to severe offence of feticide. It is immoral also.

Be courageous. Marry both and live a happy life. Marriage requires no money, no rituals, Just have seven steps before the sacred fire and give promise to each other to live together in every condition of life. Do not worry what your parents will say or what the public will say. Your right step will prove you both right later on. Do not worry about your carrier, instead for foiling it today let it a mercy of the God. the God will make it.
Guest (Expert) 20 November 2016
Dear Shri JK Agrawal,

My questions were aimed only to know whether the pregnancy was on account of consensual sex or otherwise.

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