Power of attorney of legal heirs
(Querist) 27 January 2013
This query is : Resolved
the original plantiff has expired and his wife , daughter and son are the legal heirs.Is it necessary for the rest of the plaintiffs to have power of attorney of the legal heirs
If the Legal Heirs are not ready to give power of Attorney in favour of the other plantiffs then what is the next best solution
your valuable opinion will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
(Expert) 27 January 2013
Power dies with the person.
So POA is useless.
Heirs have their own choice to select their Advocate or continue proceedings independently, ignoring other plaintiffs.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 27 January 2013
The legal heirs of the deceased plaintiff are necessary to be impleaded and if those are not ready to provide their POA in favour of other plaintiffs then they can either persue their case themselves or case may be dismissed on default on their side.