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power of attorny

(Querist) 08 August 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Is power of attorney is require to register in Ragistrar Office under Indian Registratio Act
A V Vishal (Expert) 08 August 2009
What is the purpose of the POA, under certain circumstances the answer is, yes, it requires registration.
R.R. KRISHNAA (Expert) 08 August 2009
Not compulsory to be registered. It can also be Notarised. But it is advisable to get it registered for safety purposes.
charudureja (Expert) 08 August 2009
The practical way is to get the POA registered. acc to sec 17 of Registeration Act any non testamentary document which creates or takes away any right has to be compulsarily registered.
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Expert) 08 August 2009
no need sir.
the velue of that document is same either it is registred or unregd.
Advocate SK Rohilla New Delhi (Expert) 08 August 2009
If a person has a right to do something, he can do so by his agent.
Power of attorney is a document to do some act on behalf of other. it does not create any right, title or interest of subject matter in favour of oppointed attorney.

kranthi kiran (Expert) 08 August 2009
Registration of power of attorney is not compulsory. it is optional

Registration of power of attorney authenticates the deed of power of attorney

Power of Attorney shall be attested by two or more adult independent witnesses who are of sound mind

But to my knowledge, in special cases where GPA/SPA is given for execution of a sale deed or for purpose of presenting a sale deed before the Sub-Registrar, the said GPA/SPA requires registration.
Aniruddha.P.Pawse (Expert) 08 August 2009
Registration of POA is not compulsory but depending on facts is advisable
Harinarayan R. Tripathi (Expert) 08 August 2009
The Power of Attorney is not compulsory registrable document, However, by virtue of the Registration (Gujarat Amedment) Act, 2008 came in to force with effect from 21st July, 2008 the Power of Attorney relating to transfer of immovable property possession whereof has been or is handed over to the purported attorney holder, inter alia, is compulsory registrable document in the State of Gujarat.
Somnath mukherjee (Expert) 08 August 2009
If you want to to do any govrnment work by the help of this power of attorney then it is registerable.
Jithendra.H.J (Expert) 08 August 2009
to be registered? Not always! if the power to sell the property is given in the PA then it should be registered.
ANTHONY REDDY (Expert) 09 August 2009
It is always better to register the Power of Attorney, what ever may be the recitals.
Shyam Ji Srivastava (Expert) 15 August 2009
No. Registration is notnecessary under Power of Attorney Act.

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