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Precautions to be taken while posting queries

(Querist) 28 August 2012 This query is : Resolved 
querists are advised to change their name if personl questions are being asked .

recently a querist has become a victim of defamation suit as he posted the query in his own name and gave complete details about problems being faced in his married life
his wife came to know about the queries raised by her husband and has after taking a print out filed a defamation suit against him
as a matter of abundant caution please take some precautions when you post your queries ON experts section

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 29 August 2012
Further some querist are prima facie guilty and they keep arguing with experts on open forum and experts keep rebounding their arguments. This way they publically expose hollowness of their claim and such opublic information can be used against by opposite party to blow his claims.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 29 August 2012
"some querist are prima facie guilty "

Sudhir, I agree with you in this matter.
Such difficult Queries were plenty ., before Six months. They were tackled, exposed, and fired by group of Expert Leaders, and , now they stopped it.

As Ajay says, such matter can also create problem .

We should also be on our guard, and reply with our reservation.
We must keep in mind, each of out words are written, and on Public Platform, published to entire world.
RAJU O.F., (Expert) 01 September 2012
Such incidents increase our responsibility. My advice to some of our experts is that do not answer on subjects in which they are not experts. Wrong answers also create confusion.

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