(Querist) 14 March 2010
This query is : Resolved
? concerned with ppty. in mumbai.enchrocher on pvt land got a flat innew bldg free under preva=eiling DC RULES.The flat is in the name of my Mother -in-law who expired in 2008;total 7 legal heirs.[ NO WILL-NO NOMINATION ]
;the possession was given to the occupiers by the devper. who were staying with the owner at the time of signing the concent agrmnt.[2 heirs]since the owner aws expired.
all the [7] legal heirs have agreed to transfer the flat on my name.what are the precausion/s i must take to have the CLEAR TITLE ? is it a must to apply for succession cr.?what will be the stamp duty etc.? how long it will take to obtain the cr.?
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 14 March 2010
In the light of given facts, it is advised to get obtained a succession certificate from the proper court of law by engaging a local civil lawyer and it may take at least 3-4 months. Expenses of stamp duty are state to state different, however, these are 2-3% of the value of the property.
Ashok Yadav
(Expert) 20 March 2010
I am agree with Mr. Makkad