Procedure in High Court
Reshma K
(Querist) 05 December 2009
This query is : Resolved
Hi, As I have recently started practice i have some questions regardng procedure. I have not come across any book which clearly explains this. If you know pls suggest. Hope you will ans the questions. My questions are relating to Karnataka HC procedure.
1. When we file a WP, it comes before the court. Is this for 'Admission" or is this a stage before "Admission". I heard recently that Notice has been issued and the case will be coming up for Admission. Can you explain these stages pls? Also is a copy of the WP sent to the respondent by the court??
2. What is meant by issuing Rule? or rule nisi...something like that?
3. When do cases come up for "orders", "preliminary Hearing" etc? What does it mean when the case is posted for "orders"?
4. What is "Preliminary hearing B Group". When does a case come under this category.
5. Does "part heard" concern only the final hearing stage?
prakash vathore
(Expert) 05 December 2009
hi, resham
1) when u file a wp u have to pay bhatta and extra copy of the wp for service on the respondent, or u have to serve the copies to the respondent with the covering letter stating that u have filed the wp and it will come for admission at any time, when the wp come up on board then it should b for admission.
2) rule nisi means the order of admission.
3)after hearing both the side the matter come up for orders,
preliminary hearing is different thing
5)part heard means the arguments r incomplite or so far as the trial courts r concern the part heard stage means evidence is going on.
Reshma K
(Querist) 05 December 2009
What is preliminary hearing B group
bhupender sharma
(Expert) 12 December 2009
the preliminary hearing means whether the petition should be admitted or not. The B group means the after notice matter and every high court has its own procedure.