Athi Vishal HD
(Querist) 07 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
Sir i m prashanth from bangakore. I hav facing 498a case in court which is at the stage of HBC. I m working state govt. @police dept. Based on 498a case i hav facing dept. Enquiry . My promotion is withheld by stating that i hav facing criminal case and dept. Enquiry. Wen i approach higher authorities with request to giv me promotion since my is purely personal and not relates to official work. But they didnt allow my request pl guide me to get my promotion
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 07 July 2016
As long as the 498A case is pending and the departmental enquiry finds you prima facie guilty , the promotion will be withheld till you come out honourably from the 498A case.
Athi Vishal HD
(Querist) 08 July 2016
Respected experts, Can i approach karnataka administrative tribunal ? Is it fit case to file application aganst our dept. In kar. Admn.Tribunal, pl suggest
(Expert) 08 July 2016
Your exoneration in both the criminal and departmental inquiry cases are a must for your promotion. Approach in Tribunal will be futile and a waste of time and money without getting cleared of both the cases.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 08 July 2016
Have you discussed the matter with your counsel?
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