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Property defination

(Querist) 05 December 2020 This query is : Open 
What is meant by Ground floor? of residential property.does it mean only the constructed area. or it also includes the open area eg.lawn etc.
Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 05 December 2020
It denotes the construction on which the other follors rest in it. It may have law or may not.Yet, it is not a legal query
P. Venu (Expert) 05 December 2020
What are the facts? What is the context?
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 06 December 2020
Be specific to your dispute / problem / query with relevant facts.
shyam lal (Querist) 06 December 2020
The fact is answers given by the experts eg. Mr vashista & veenu just goes to prove they do not understand the English language .the query is .a plot of residential land comprises of 1st floor & the bottom floor has half built up area other half open area.legally does the entire bottom floor be called Ground floor where half area is built up rest open area. Answer only when you have understood the query.

R.Ranganathan (Expert) 27 June 2021
This is not a school. Experts are giving answers only to actual problems faced by querist. You do not have any such problem. You only want definition and that word also you could not spell it correctly. So don't talk about the experts.
shyam lal (Querist) 27 June 2021
R.Ranganathan if you don't know the answer to the question asked just keep mum,most of the advocates bread and butter depends on property matters there by a layman wants to know the Lawful meaning of Property,I hope I have made my query loud and clear, now have you got the answer to my question,Respect ed Expert.answer awaited

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